Want to play Paintball as a sport in Victoria?

Have you played paintball and since fallen in love with the sport? Here is a helpful guide on how to get started on becoming a regular paintball player. (as of Aug 2023)


Step 1: We recomend coming to one of our monthly club days, these club days are casual days where we get together and have a bit of fun with some structured games, some food and have a lot of fun. We have lots of extra paintball markers and equipment that we can let you borrow for the day. Click here for our next club day or event.

Step 2: Sign up to become a member at your paintball field of choice, contact the field and they will help you with this process. This part is essential if you want to purchase your own paintball marker. You only need to be a member at one paintball field.

Step 3: Work out what equipment you want, this may seem daunting and difficult but dont stress, attend club days and speak to players, ask questions and even ask to try other players equipment as most of the time they will be more than happy to show off their stuff.
*It is worth noting that you do NOT need a lot of equipment, you can hire or borrow equipment on the day. We do recomend you atleast purchase a good quality paintball mask*

Step 4: Play Paintball! You do not have to play often, only play when you want to but you are always welcome to join us on any club day or event.

*Optional* Step 5: If you want your own paintball marker you will need to book in with your field of choice and complete the 'Paintball Marker Safety Course' as well as get a letter from them saying you are a member at that field.

Frequently Asked Questions

- Where is the community?

- Where do I buy gear?

  • There are 2 main suppliers of paintball gear in Australia.
     - Melbourne based - HotShots
     - Sydney based - Paintball Shop
  • Buy / Swap / Sell pages are a great source of gear and equipment for new players.
  • These are NOT the only places to get paintball related equipment and gear. Please see our other page for some more information Gear Advice/Help

- Where do I play?

- How do I get my own paintball marker?

  • To help you get your first paintball marker here are some helpful tips. *This is not legal advice*
    • First: Become a member of your preferred member friendly field.
    • Second: Complete your paintball marker safety course, these are held at Snipers Den Moorabbin and Coldstream.
    • Third: Submit your application for a category P firearms license. Click here for VicPol
    • Fourth: Submit a 'Permit to Acquire' (PTA). A new PTA needs to be submitted for every paintball marker you wish to buy. You can submit this permit at the same time as your license application to save some time
    • Fifth: Install a suitable safe to store your firearms. More information available on your license application

- Is it expensive?

  • Paintball is not the cheapest hobby, an average day of paintball will cost around $100, this would be enough for most people to last a full day. All of your equipment like any sporting goods cost money but these are once of purchases.